
Over everything else, please use common sense and be fair! Specifically the following behaviors are not allowed and will result in disqualification:

  • Each team or individual participant should operate separately. Sharing the solution or giving hints to other teams is no fun.
  • Do not attack the underlying infrastructure of the game site. If you discover a weakness or flaw in the hosting platform let Google know right away. You may qualify for a reward per our Vulnerability Rewards Program (!
  • Play fair with other teams. Any sabotage or tampering with the ability for another team to compete is forbidden.
  • Do not attempt to reduce the availability of the game, or to prevent anyone from accessing it. DOSing the game is not tolerated.
  • By participating in this challenge, you agree to release Google and its employees from any and all liability, claims, or actions of any kind for injuries, damages or losses to persons and property that may be sustained in connection with this challenge.

If you have any questions that aren’t covered here, please ask one of us.